# Bot

# Token

This is it, time to launch your bot!

All you need to do is enter (hopefully copy and pastem otherwise you might take a while) the bot token you got when you created your bot with @BotFather.

Account details

After you click the Create button your bot will launch it's own instance of your GroupBot and after a few seconds your bot will be up!

Account details

Once your bot is up you'll have some more configuration options.

# Info

The bot info configuration allows you to set a start message that users will see when the tap or send the /start command to your bot.

Account details

Only the highlighted part of the message above is the start message, we add in additional information about the basic commands.

# Support

Some of your bot users might need some help from time to time and will need someone to contact. The support configuration allows you to set a support contact.

We've ordered the support options in order of preference.